Conquer Uranus DAPP for dumb-ass

Conquer Uranus
3 min readNov 16, 2021


Dear Asstronauts

For several days you have been asking us to make a user guide and an explanation of each section, and here it is:

DISCLAIMER: Every picture used for this guide are from Testnet, ROIs are not real and developers don’t have those tokens on mainnet.

  • SCRAP: Cambridge dictionary definition: a small piece or amount of something.

Where you can use your Pancake LP Tokens to get rewarded with SHITIUM.

How to use it: First of all, you will need your LPs, so you will have to open and add liquidity for one of our Pairs.

Once you have added the liquidity you need to open our DAPP, click on the SCRAP section, approve the usage of the LP Token by the ScrapMaster contract and you will be able to deposit your LPs. Don’t forget about the fees, some of our pools are taxed!

Once you have staked the LPs you will see your rewards increase!

  • CONSTIPATED: Cambridge dictionary definition: unable to empty your bowels as often as you should.

Where you can use your Tokens to get rewarded with SHITIUM.

How to use it: First of all, go to the section CONSTIPATED of our DAPP, locate the token you want to stake and approve the usage of the token by the ConstipatedPool contract.

And now you can Stake your tokens and start minting some SHITIUM. Here there are fees too, and you will see a Lockup, that’s the time you will have to wait since you claim your SHITIUM to be able to claim it again.

We have also added the Max transfer amount ANVS token has to our front to make things easier for you.

  • LATRINES: Cambridge dictionary definition: a simple toilet such as a hole in the ground, used in a military area or when staying in a tent. Like the toilets Roman’s used to poop together and socialize.

Here you can deposit your Tokens to win other Tokens.

How to use it: Open the DAPP and navigate to the LATRINES section, as usual, you will start approving the LatrinePool contract for the usage of the token.

Then you will be able to deposit the “Stake” token and start winning some “Reward” tokens.

Latrines are thought for collaborations with other projects, they will tell us which token will be staked, which one rewarded, the total reward amount and the latrine duration. The contract will calculate the reward per block being able to distribute all the tokens.

And may the farts be with you.




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Conquer Uranus

Decentralized Finance Protocol, Community oriented, Fairlaunch, NO Presale.